Water Birth at home / Salt lake city

The night you were born

Night Augustine

On the Night you were born, your mother called me at 11:39pm to say you were on your way. I had my bag packed a week ago so I made a cup of coffee before driving the 30 minutes to your home. The sky was clear and there was a smattering of stars shinning extra bright. I think they knew you deserved a little extra light for your introduction. As I pulled onto your street I paused, a sense of panic came over me. Before opening my car door I hear a primal scream from your mother. It was followed with deep groans that seemed to rattle their way into the earth and entangle themselves with the tree roots.. It echoed along the row of houses and I knew I had to run, you were near. I didn’t need to check what address was yours, I just followed the chants of your mother. I raced up the stairs and started to put my bag down when I heard the midwife say “ okay we have the head.” I grabbed my camera and without metering my light, I just started shooting.

The lights were dimmed and candles flickered around the room. Your mother somehow looked more beautiful than she ever has and your father was so tender and comforting to her. The MOMENT you were out, your mother reached for you and I know without a doubt, she will never let go.

I will probably always be a stranger, a friend for afar but I thought you should know how lucky you are. How intentional your parents are and that I could feel the love they have for you.

Welcome to the world Night Augustine. Shine bright sweet boy

Midwife : Wasatch Midwifery


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